Monday, July 19, 2004

What a Gift!

Earlier this week when I was doing some maintenance on my computer I came across some old email from a previous job. I was amazed to read my own words from two years ago where I was telling a friend that I had not left the office before 8:00PM in over a month. I recall that several of those weeks were capped with weekend work as well.

Although 70 hour work weeks were difficult, at the time they were not really much of a problem for me because I’d grown so accustomed to it. We so easily can adapt to very difficult circumstances but I am so thankful to God that I'm no longer having to adapt to such long hours. My job at Pepperdine in Malibu allows me to be home every night to eat dinner with the kids and help put them to bed. I would have missed two years of those precious moments had I stayed at Disney.

What a gift!


At Tue Jul 20, 04:01:00 PM EDT, Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

what a great post!


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