Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Most Embarrassing Moment...Almost

Something earlier today made me think of this experience from when I worked at Disney:

During a break between sessions at a conference on the Disney studio lot l took a hurried trip to the bathroom. After walking briskly into the bathroom and quickly opening and closing the door to the last stall I began to take care of my business. That space turned into a temporary prison as I noticed a pair of heels walk into the stall next to me. I was in the women's bathroom. Fortunately, the stall I walked into was the oversized, handicapped stall so my potty buddies were not able to see my size elevens. After listening to every trickle of my four bathroom partners, as well as four zip ups, four hand washings, and four exits I made a dash for the door and a somewhat inconspicuous exit. Somehow I managed to survive that experience without being noticed...I think.


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