Bedtime Bribes
At some point about the time I entered toddlerhood my mom discovered the secret to keeping me in the bed through the night. It was know, the astronaut drink? She'd set a bottle of Tang on the dresser next to my crib. I would wake up, find the Tang, get my fix, and go back to sleep. To this day I love that stuff.
Several months back during our bedtime routine I told my daughter Sydney that the book we were reading, "Goodnight Moon," was a book that Bammy, my mom, used to read to me at bedtime.
Tonight during my nightly battle for bedtime supremacy it occurred to me that I might be able to feed
Boy, I hope she likes Tang as much as I do...
I'd really, really like to know how this works ... why am I only hearing about this NOW? I could have used this a few years ago. Oh, well, live and learn. Sounds a lot easier than Farber. But then there's that whole sugar thing -- but they'll live.
Dang, Tang...a phrase coined by Miss Emily Trice. Nice one. So....any word? we're waiting with baited breath.
Great story. As the father of a 5-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl, I've had my share of battles for 'bedtime supremacy'. It's awesome to know that I'm not the only man on earth making a fool of myself on a nightly basis. :-)
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